Facepaints are safe and available in a wide range of saturated colours. They can be used on a variety of surfaces with different applicators and can support and reinforce the thematic content of many creative sessions. Choose facepaints that are FDA and EU compliant, completely non-toxic, water-based and safe for all ages. Choose colours carefully to fit in with and to reinforce the theme of the session. White is useful in any palette as it brings out the other colours.

Offer a variety of objects to paint on, for example decorating stones, paper plates, pieces of cloth, supporting the theme of the session.

Painting on small, mobile mirrors is another option - they are smooth and easy to paint on, double the image and can be worked on by one or more people

When held up to a light they will reflect the patterns onto walls and ceiling.

Encourage the use of simple motifs that reinforce the theme - linking to flowers is a favourite as petals are easy

UV paints are now available and look stunning when revealed in UV light.

Give 'painting' options – using fingers or small, soft paint/make-up brushes or bits of sponge if participants don't like getting messy.

Many cultures use body paint as part of rituals, or wall/cave painting to record historical events.

Body painting can demonstrate cultural links between the activity and the overall theme

There are many ways of engaging and including people in facepainting and once achieved this engagement will promote focused 1-1 interaction, tactile experience and visual creativity
If a client is unsure, allow them to paint on you - this is always amusing and gives power and control to them.

Paint on parts of participants' bodies that they can see, their legs, hands, arms for example. Encourage participants to work together, perhaps painting each other.