
Multi-coloured pool balls, beachballs, space hoppers – there are many types of balls available; different sizes, textures, weights, colours... and lots of innovative ways to incorporate them into sessions to create multisensory experiences for all abilities
Ball pool balls are often best contained in some kind of tent but can also be used in the open
You can be selective in terms of colour/size for specific workshops. They are light, therefore safe to use.
Inflatable beach balls are light and brightly coloured, can be thrown in the air and can contribute to the theme of the workshop
Exercise balls and space hoppers are good for taking weight, helping balance and engendering trust in partners. They also give a feeling of relaxation. They can be linked to colour themes, or used to reinforce the feeling of 'flying'.

 White polystyrene balls come in a variety of sizes, are light enough to blow around yet heavy enough to roll down chutes. Some of the larger ones split in half so you can reveal things from inside. 
Clear hamster balls with battery lights inside can be used to create magic, focus attention, make pathways or reinforce a theme, such as lumps of lava in a 'volcano'

Translucent balls are often really appreciated for the magical way they transmit light. They come in a variety of colours and you can triple the effect by using them with mirrors
Rolling balls down a sheet of corrugated plastic or through ducting can be a wonderfully inclusive activity.
Often just the tactile nature of a textured plastic ball can seem to give a meaningful experience

Balls pdf
