Lights and Torches
Portable lights of different types and colours can often make the critical difference in making a prop or a small environment sufficiently engaging for participants to join in with an activity. Lights are now cheap and readily available, so everyone can have one, and it is very useful to have a wide variety. Mains powered fairy lights can be used for semi-permanent installation and to make props such as the fire. They can dress a space and are available in many colours to complement the theme of the activity.

Battery powered LED lights come in smaller lengths but are truly independent. These can be used to make props such as ‘hot coals’, by enclosing in bubble wrap, or put inside plastic bottles, stuffed into socks or in coloured lanterns.

They can also highlight areas of importance such as a puppet's face which will draw participants to approach and engage.

Battery powered tea lights come in many different types – some flickering to look like real candles and submersible ones which can reinforce the colour of watergel beads, creating a magical sensory experience.

Colour-changing versions can be used to make ‘glamterns’ or light hamster balls to make them magical.

Rope lights can be laid on the floor next to a wall and behind a cardboard cutout of buildings, to create the silhouette of a skyline.

Torches come in many varieties. Big, powerful ones give out enough light to highlight some activity, for example a puppet in an otherwise dark space, and also make bright clear shadows on Moonhoops.

Smaller hand held torches are also good for shadow work and light play.

Fibre optic ‘Dream’ torches add a tactile element to the experience, while disco lights add pazazz and movement.