These simple props are made by covering a hoop in a taut white cloth, either sewn on or made detachable with Velcro for easy removal and cleaning. They are incredibly useful, portable surfaces that can be used in a variety of ways and are fairly indestructible.
By holding the moonhoop in the way of a projected image, the image can be brought into a participant’s field of vision, where it gives the magical illusion of hanging in the air. The image can be seen on both sides of the cloth and can be brought close to people in this way.

The same technique can be applied with coloured light

Hoops can be used to indicate an area on the floor where an activity might extend into, helping people understand they can move about the space, or to form a pathway, either to encourage movement or to pass from one area of the space to another.

They might delineate a space on the floor where people will choose to sit. This can be very useful in giving non-verbal clues as to where activities are going to take place.

As a portable surface they can quickly be positioned to allow access to an activity, to bring things close to people, or as a smooth surface to roll objects on.

Moonhoops can be used as fans for wafting, to encourage partner and group work, holding the hoop together as well as encouraging movement, by swinging side to side, up and down, twirling, spinning, stepping onto and around. They can be rolled across floor to each other or thrown into the air, being soft and light they are unlikely to cause harm.

Finally, they can be used for shadow play, using either a light or a torch.
This allows focus and 1-1 play and is greatly enjoyed by many of our participants