Coloured parachutes are very popular, however white parachutes are more versatile as they can be lit in a variety of ways/colours

Create environments of different shapes, sizes and colours

Create a themed ‘space’, for example a fishing hole in the ice.

Invert and hang above a ‘floating’ table top to create a hot air balloon.

Secure the middle from above with the sides falling around to create the inside of a tepee or a pyramid.

Attach to a circle of pipes to create the roof of an igloo.
Drape over the prow of a ship (made from white plastic pipes), with electric fans blowing underneath, to create an undulating seascape.

Create a dramatic landscape to climb over when inflated with fans.

Spread a parachute on the floor to outline an area where all participants can gather. Roll on them, wrap them around, hide under them – they can cover an entire group. They can be used as a safe place to rest or to generate movement – run underneath, over or around (or be wheeled). With movement and sound effects, they can create a raging storm or a calm gentle sea.

Used with lights/torches/projections they can become the actual medium to explore, a screen for images or shadows.
Throw balloons or balls into them to add another dimension – flying or rolling objects to catch and send to others.