Water Gels
Water gels are a fairly recent addition to the useful props toolkit.
They can be acquired at garden centres or online and come in a range of
colours, though the translucent variety are more beautiful than the opaque so
be careful when ordering. These gels, when presented in large quantities,
provide a visual, tactile stimulus that many participants greatly enjoy.
Immersing fingers and toes is almost therapeutic, like massage, and people will
spend extended periods of time gently enjoying the feel of them.

As a simple tactile experience. Gels are
slightly wet to the touch, but soft and jelly-like, without being sticky.
Rolling them around in bowls with hands and feet is an extremely pleasant,
relaxing experience.

Adding small lights to a clear or silver bowl
of gels gives an additional visual stimulus as they shimmer and shine and
reflect the light back as they move around.

Rolling gels this way and that across large
flat trays or soundboards enables exploration of their movement qualities. When
dropped individually they bounce like raindrops.

Rolling down tubes or half-pipes adds an
element of fun and surprise to the activity. You never know where they're going
to end up, so it is wise to have a trug or other container strategically placed
at the end!

Gels can be used to reinforce a colour theme or symbolically; the clear ones
behave and look exactly like raindrops, or perhaps as green and purple grapes
in a wine-making workshop.